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RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 2 Evening Session - Hallowed By Thy Name - Pastor E. A. Adeboye

The RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference Day 2 Evening Session, led by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, focuses on honoring God's name.







Let Somebody shout Hallelujah - Hallelujah.

Take your Hymn Sheet. When taking the Chorus after the last stanza, you'll just go before Him in true heart of Gratitude; and Worship the Almighty God.

Worship and Thanksgiving Session.

In Jesus' Mighty Name we have Worshipped - Amen.


The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 
 Jehovah, the Man of War 
Your Mercies endureth for ever and ever 
O Praise His Holy Name (Amen).


King of kings and Lord of lords; the I AM THAT I AM, the Unchangeable Changer.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Father, Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Almighty God, Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus' Name.

Kindly continue with us.

In Jesus' Mighty Name we have Prayed - Amen.

Let Somebody shout hallelujah - Hallelujah.

God Bless You - Amen.

You may Please, go back to your seats.

Let's open our Bible to Matthew 6:9-13.

We will continue with Verse 9 - After this manner therefore Pray ye: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.

You are calling on Someone who is in Heaven - You want to attract His attention.

  • How are you sure He is hearing you?

  • How are you sure He is looking at your direction?

Considering the number of People on the Earth - We are more than Seven Billion People.

  • How are you sure the One who is far away in Heaven will pay attention to you?

My Father who art in Heaven - I know something about You:

I know that You are seeking for Worshippers - According to John 4:23-24:

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the True Worshippers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for the Father seeketh such to Worship Him.

... God is a Spirit: and they that Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

I know You are seeking for someone to Worship You in Spirit and in truth; I am here.


You don't start by saying, my Father in Heaven I need Healing, Deliverance, Breakthrough - No!

First of all, be sure He is focusing on you - Hallowed be Thy Name.

The Priority of the Wise is Praising God.

In Psalm 34:1; David said, I will bless the LORD at all times: His Praise shall continually be in my mouth. Wise Boy!

In Psalm 18:1-2 he said, I will love thee, O LORD, my Strength. The LORD is my Rock, and my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my Strength, in whom I will trust; my Buckler, and the Horn of my Salvation, and my High Tower.

How can you approach God like that and He will not look in your direction?

I've told you before, my dad was poor, but he had two (2) wives and a handful of children.

Money was not always available when it was time for School to reopen. But one way or the other my mother never failed to get my School fees.

When School is about to reopen, early in the morning - Because I was the one sleeping with my dad on the mat; my mother will come inside the room and begin to eulogise my dad.

"My owner, the owner of my head, the owner of my chest. Your father had a farmland, no bird could be able to go round it. Your father was a great Man, he fed the Army and the Civilian..."

... And I used to wonder, where is this farm?

She will just keep on eulogising him. And my dad would say, "it's a man you are calling."

Very soon you will hear him say, "it will be well with you in this house."

And I will say, he has fallen into her trap again (laughter).

He will say to my mother, what do you want?

My mother will eulogise him more, and finally she would say; we all know things are hard; but your son is doing back to School - It is a question of School Fees.

My dad would say, no Problem. He will find a way to sell something or borrow to pay my School Fees.

My Father who art in Heaven - What is the next thing? Hallowed be Thy Name!

In Psalm 108:1-3, David said, God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give Praise, even with my Glory. Awake, Psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early. I will Praise thee, O LORD, among the People: and I will sing Praises unto thee among the Nations.

Your tongue can be your Life; it can be your Death; it can also be your Glory.

The Priority of the Wise is Singing Praises of God; showing Gratitude for what He has done - Not just Privately, but Openly.

Have you ever noticed that when you are young in the Lord and it's time to Praise God, you find it easy to dance to Him, and you enjoy it? Nobody notices you!

But as you begin to grow Spiritually, as you become a Pastor - from Area Level to Province Level, you are now a 'Big Man'.

You now begin to speak in Proverbs - "The Masquerade of the Elders must dance gently."

May the Masquerade be cursed - Amen!

That Masquerade in you, that will not let you dance to the Lord, I curse it in the Name of Jesus - Amen.

Praise Him, dance to Him. And learn to do so Privately and Publicly.

In the Book of 2 Samuel 6; the Bible says, when David was bringing the Ark of the Covenant of God to his town he was dancing so Mightily. He danced in such a manner his wife mocked him - She never had a child! (DMC NOTES: 2 Samuel 6:23)

Whenever David committed any sin against God, he fell down in reference and said, God I have blown it this time. God would say, I will Punish you, but you won't die; I need Worshippers.

Learn to Worship Him and learn to Praise Him - Privately and Publicly. You just keep on dancing, let them mock you.

We went to hold a Holy Ghost Service in one of the Campuses, and the Vice Chancellor was dancing like a child among all the Students. He couldn't care less.

Months later, some forces wanted to bring him down, but they were all disappointed - Because if you dance to God, He will turn in your direction.

Do I hear Somebody shout hallelujah - Hallelujah.

Learn to Praise Him Privately and Publicly.

Let your Light Shine

Matthew 5:14-16 says, Ye are the Light of the world. A City that is set on an Hill cannot be hid. Neither do Men Light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a Candlestick; and it giveth Light unto all that are in the house. Let your Light so Shine before Men, that they may see your Good works, and Glorify your Father which is in Heaven.

Because God has made you a Light, you can't be hid anymore.

Anywhere you go, when they hear the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG); they pay attention - It's too late to hide.

So when you see the Mockers ask, "are you the only Church?" You are a City set on a Hill, you can't be hid.

Let your Light Shine - Behave in a manner, you can't be ignored.

Let your Light Shine - Let your shout be louder and let the devil be angry.

There is issue of name - Hallowed be Thy Name.

The name of a Person has tremendous influence on the future of the Person; and it has tremendous influence on the Destiny of the Person.

I have done a thorough Teaching on Names in the Past; maybe some of you here, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC have not seen that Message.

The name they gave you might be responsible for all your Struggles.

For example, names like: Esugbayi (DMC NOTES: Satan take this); Ifamodimu (DMC NOTES: I am holding into Ifa Priest); Sangolode (DMC NOTES: The god of thunder has arrived).

Take the Example of "MOSES" - Meaning: Drawn out of water:

Look at Moses, everything about his Life had to do with water - Parting of the Red Sea, turning bitter water to sweet, water from the rock, etc.

But take the name of "ELIJAH" - Meaning: Jehovah is God:

In 1 Kings 18, when he was confronted by the Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, he Prayed and God answered by Fire. The People cried, Jehovah is God - They were saying Elijah!

That's why God Himself on several occasions had to Change the names of some People in other to Change their Destiny.

  • He said to Abram, you shall now be called Abraham if you are to fulfill Destiny (DMC NOTES: Genesis 17:5).

  • To Sarai He said, your name is now Sarah if you are to become the mother of Nations (Genesis 17:15)

  • He changed Jacob (a cheat) to Israel (DMC NOTES: Genesis 32:28).

You may have to Change your name after now.

When you hear names like, "Babawande" - find out which Baba.

If it happens to be a Chief Priest of an idol, God have Mercy on you - It's not a joke.

I mean, the Lord Himself had to Change Peter's name from Simon (little weeds); which can be blown here and there to Peter; meaning "The Rock" (DMC NOTES: Matthew 16:18).

Look at his Life, "Lord if You are the One, bid me come." He took a few steps, doubted and began to sink.

Jesus asked Peter, who do Men say I am?

He said, You are Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus said, Congratulations!

But few days later, when Jesus said He would be killed, the same Peter said, Lord be it far from you?

Thank God Jesus rebuked him - Get thee behind me Satan.

But finally he became the Rock, and was bold.

Acts 4:13 says, Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and Perceived that they were Unlearned and Ignorant Men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

I Pray for you, anything evil in your name, the Almighty God will Change that today - Amen.

A Hindu, not a Christian met me in Dubai. He said Sir, they say your name is Enoch; is that not the name of the Man who walked with God? I said, yes Sir.

He said, no wonder! Me too I said, no wonder! He said, there are no too many People bearing that name (Enoch).

Why am I saying it? It is because there is something about a name.


What are the Names of our Father which art in Heaven?

1. In Genesis 17:1, He is the Almighty God: the God who is more than enough.

2. In Exodus 3:13-15, He is THE I AM THAT I AM.

Bible Scholars say it means, whatever you call me, that's what I am to you.

I. So when you need a Financial Breakthrough, what should you call Him?

Jehovah El-shaddai - The God who is more than enough.

II. If you find yourself in a Furnace; if Enemies are chasing you like they did to Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel 3:23-27, who is the one you will call upon? The Fourth (4th) Man in the Fire.

Then Nebuchadnezzar the King was astonied, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his Counsellors, Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king. He answered and said, Lo, I see four Men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God - Daniel 3:24-25

The Fourth (4th) Man is the One who said, I will be with you always; I will never leave you.

III. I am sure you know the Name to call when in need of Victory? The LORD of Host.

In 1 Samuel 17:45-57, Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the Name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of the Armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

There is a God who has never lost a battle. And it might interest you to know that He is the One I have been calling on recently.

There is Someone you can go to; that when you call on Him He will answer.

If right now you are facing Goliath of any form; shout, LORD of Host!

My heart is full of Joy tonight - Hallelujah.

3. He is the King of Glory:

What happens if you are knocking at the Gate of Heaven and the door is shut? Who should you call?

According to Psalm 24:7-1, there is someone to call for all Gates to open. Every Angel must obey Him.

... He is called the King of Glory.

When the 'Angel' on the other side says, "I want to be sure who the King of Glory is"; He will answer, I am The LORD Strong and Mighty, the LORD Mighty in battle.

You may not believe some of these things; that one could get to the Gate and the Door is shut - I can give you examples.

Let's take one great Example;

A woman who is related to one Great Nigerian, and was Preached to by the house help and she surrendered her Life to Jesus Christ Genuinely.

Mama was Ninety (90) years old and was dying. She said, tell Daddy GO that they are not opening the door.

I was Abroad, so I Phoned back, that I would be around to tell her what to do so that the door can be opened.

I visited her when I arrived, we had a little chat, and I told her one or two things she must be doing before the door can be opened.

She did them, and the Door was opened.

May I Pray for you: Anything that will shut the door of Heaven against you, may the Almighty God remove it - Amen.

Many of you know the Story of my father-in-the-Lord - There are Witnesses who are still alive.

He was sick and about to die like Elisha. We were in the Living Room, Papa was gone!

He got to the Gate, they said come in - This is your room, this is your Crown. The wall was Pure Gold.

But they said to him, you can't stay yet because there is something you have to settle.

God said yes, you have not settled between so and so. Go back and settle with them.

Suddenly, he came back: found a way to settle as he was instructed, before the Gate opened.

We are taking about Heaven - It's not a joking matter.

Someone could get to the Gate and the door is shut.

But there is Someone called the King of Glory.

Do I hear Somebody shut King of Glory! Call on Him, the door will open - Amen.


That is why I want to beg you (Ministers of God) - Be careful so you don't dishonour His Name.

"Hallowed be Thy Name" means, I honour Your Name.

But some People dishonour His Name. And He can be angry when you dishonour His Name.

When you read the Story of Gehazi in 2 Kings 5:1 to the end; Naaman was healed, he brought Presents to the Man of God. That one said No, I don't want your Gifts. Gehazi said, if my Oga refused to collect the Gifts, I will go and get them.

He met Naaman and told a lie.

Why was God angry?

This man (Naaman) was going home, saying the God of these People must be Merciful and Mighty to have healed me Free of Charge.

When Gehazi met him on the way, he lied. And the Man said, maybe their God is not as Mighty as I thought.

Gehazi dishonoured God, that is why he didn't spend the Money.

There is something People Practice these days; and I hope you are not one of them - They tell Sick People to sow Seed for their Healing.

You can't find that in me - If you can find any Tape of my Messages where I said that; I will give you Ten Million Naira (#10,000,000).

Healing is Free - Freely you received, freely give.

If there is a need, I will say: Brethren, we need Money for Dormitories for Example; if any of you can Support, I will be Grateful.

And I will Pray for you.

I've never asked you to sow Seed for Healing, Fruit of the Womb, Promotion, etc.

That is why I keep saying: I am not a "Prosperity Preacher" - I Preach Holiness.

If you live Holy, my God will bless you.

Seed Sowing in not bad - If you sow a Seed it's because you want to reap.

If you sow a Seed of Money, you will reap Money; you sow a Seed of tie, you will reap tie.

But to ask you to sow a Seed of Fruitfulness? No way!

I feel some People may have some Restitution to make.

Don't dishonour His Name, because if you do, it may Permanently block your way to Heaven.

Watch that weak Point of yours today!

In Numbers 20:1-7; Moses had one (1) weak point - He can get angry once in a while, not everytime.

He was at the threshold of the Promise Land but never got in.

Why? Because God said, you did not honour my Name before these People. I told you to speak to the Rock, but you struck the Rock.


It brings me to one Crucial Point - Particularly to the Elders amongst us, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC:

As we get closer to the end of our race, be careful of what is known as "Moses' Mistake."

There will be more People Provoking you - Don't yield to the Temptation of making Moses' Mistake.

You will finish well, in Jesus' Name - Amen.

Be careful as Ministers of God and Elders how you handle your children - Don't let them become idols.

No matter how big or how successful they are. The Elders have a saying, "The okra tree cannot be taller than its owner."

In 1 Samuel 2:30; God said to Eli, Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

Why? Because those who honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be Lightly esteemed.

Don't honour your children more than God - If they err, cry out to the Lord on their behalf.


As I close tonight; God has given us a Name that is higher than every other name, according to Philippians 2:9-11 - The Name of JESUS.

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every name: That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the Earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father.

Please, honour that Name because you will need that Name to make it to Heaven.

In John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Even if you don't remember all the other Names of God like El-shaddai; at least remember JESUS.

Have at least the Wisdom of Elisha - When he wasn't sure that his Faith can carry him across Jordan - The other side of the river. He said, where is a God of my father?

He said, where is the Lord God of Elijah?

Maybe I can anchor my Faith with that of my father (Elijah).

Many times when People come for Testimony and say they cried to the God of Adeboye and He answered them. People say to me, "why didn't you stop them?"

They didn't cry to Adeboye; they cried to Who? The GOD of Adeboye.

I hope that one Great Traditional Ruler will Testify on this Camp - He was at the Point of Death.

We have a Hospital around him, he said that they should take him there, and that the God of Adeboye will heal him.

And God Healed him - Hallelujah!

The God I serve is the Holy One. He is not a father Christmas.

He is not the one that would say once you are Born Again you can continue in sin.

He is the One who is sitteth in Heaven. He lives in the Place where nothing unclean is allowed.

If you honour Him, when you call on Him, He will answer.

Tomorrow morning, come again by 7.00am; Sing and Pray to God.

Hopefully, by 8.00am I will join you.

Come with your Walking shoes, because we will be going for a Walk.

I want you to follow the Example of my mother tonight; I want you to Eulogise God. Honour His Name.

Call as many of His Names that you can remember - Jehovah Jireh, Alpha, Omega, the Almighty God, the LORD of Host, the King of Glory. The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The God of Elijah, the God of Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego. The God of Daniel. The God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Eulogise Him!

That's all I want you to do tonight - Just go ahead.

I will see you tomorrow (Day 3)!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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1 Chronicles,1,1 Corinthians,1,1 John,1,1 Kings,1,1 Peter,1,1 Samuel,1,1 Thessalonians,1,1 Timothy,1,2 Chronicles,1,2 Corinthians,1,2 John,1,2 Kings,1,2 Peter,1,2 Samuel,1,2 Thessalonians,1,2 Timothy,1,3 John,1,About,1,Acts,1,Amos,1,Colossians,1,Contact,1,Daniel,1,Deuteronomy,1,Discliamer,1,Ecclesiastes,1,Encouragement,11,Ephesians,1,Esther,1,Exodus,40,Ezekiel,1,Ezra,1,Galatians,1,Genesis,50,Habakkuk,1,Haggai,1,Hebrews,1,Hosea,1,Isaiah,1,James,1,Jeremiah,1,Job,1,Joel,1,John,1,Jonah,1,Joshua,1,Jude,1,Judges,1,Lamentations,1,Leviticus,3,Luke,1,Malachi,1,Mark,1,Matthew,6,Meditation,33,Micah,1,Nahum,1,Nehemiah,1,Numbers,4,Obadiah,1,Philemon,1,Philippians,1,Pidgin Bible,72,Privacy,1,Proverbs,1,Psalms,6,Reflection,16,Revelation,22,Romans,1,Ruth,1,Sitemap,1,Song of Solomon,1,Terms,1,Titus,1,Zechariah,1,Zephaniah,1,
Straightway Messages – In Accordance with Biblical Principles!: RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 2 Evening Session - Hallowed By Thy Name - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 2 Evening Session - Hallowed By Thy Name - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
The RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference Day 2 Evening Session, led by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, focuses on honoring God's name.
Straightway Messages – In Accordance with Biblical Principles!
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