
RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024: Day 1 Evening Session - House Fellow Leaders Meet - Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Pastor E. A. Adeboye leads RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024 Day 1 evening session, focusing on House Fellow Leaders' meeting.

Best RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024: Day 1 Evening Session - House Fellow Leaders Meet - Pastor E. A. Adeboye






Thank You Lord. Thank You Father. Hallelujah!

Glory be to God - Amen

Well, let Somebody shout hallelujah - Hallelujah.


Jesus is Alpha Alpha and Omega (Jesus); Jesus is Alpha Alpha and Omega (Jesus) So I Praise Him for He is Alpha Alpha and Omega; So I Praise Him for He is Alpha Alpha and Omega

Like Him I want to be To be forever(Amen) Like Him i want to be To be forever So I Praise Him for He is Alpha Alpha and Omega So I Praise Him for He is Alpha Alpha and Omega.


King of kings and Lord of lords - The God of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

We Worship You, we Adore You, we Magnify Your Holy Name.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for bringing us to another Convention.

Thank You because by Your Grace, Heaven will come down to Earth this week.

Please, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for Your Children who are already here - Thank You for Journey Mercies.

Thank You for those who are yet on the way - Thank You because there will be no Problems.

Lord, accept our Worship in Jesus’ Name.

Father tonight, Your Children - The Workers, the House Fellowship Leaders are gathered together here.

Please Lord, Minister to us all - Give us Advance Miracles.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed - Amen.

Well, let Somebody shout hallelujah - Hallelujah.

Okay! Shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Evening, God Bless You Mightily.

And then you may Please, be seated.

I'm delighted to see you - I'm not surprised that you were dancing so vigorously;

Because whether the devil likes it or not, your Joy has just started - Amen.

Every Plan(s) of the devil to hinder your Joy has failed - Amen.

So you are Welcome, in Jesus' Mighty Name - Amen.


Now don't forget our Normal Practice, that when we come like this on Monday as Workers and House Fellowship Leaders, we'll wake very early tomorrow Morning by 6:00am

You'll select a Partner today before you sleep - And we'll surround the whole Camp as much of it as possible - We will go about in two's, Praising God, and calling on Him to send down His Power.

So that anybody who would come to this Campground; the moment they arrive they would receive their Miracles - Amen.

So we will do that for one (1) hour tomorrow Morning.

And the Almighty will grant your Requests, in Jesus' Name - Amen.

Isaiah 66:1 - Thus saith the Lord, The Heaven is my Throne, and the Earth is my footstool: where is the House that ye built unto me? and where is the Place of my rest?

When God says: Heaven is My Throne" that can have another meaning:

1. The first meaning of course is, there is a Place called Heaven - And that is where God’s Throne is.

That's meaning number one - And that's absolutely correct.

2. The Second meaning is: Wherever my (God) Throne is, Heaven is there.

"Wherever A Throne Is Prepared for Me, Heaven will be there."

For example:

I. If you Prepare a Throne for God in your Heart, Heaven will be in your heart.

1 John 4:4 says, Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Prepare a Throne for God in your heart and the Throne of God will be there; and you will become More Than a Conqueror.

II. "Wherever they Prepare a Throne for Me, Heaven will be there" - Whether in your Heart or in your Home.

In 1 Corinthians 16:19, a couple called Aquila and Priscila Prepared a Throne for God in their Home. So, the Bible keeps on referring to the Church in their home.

Because this year, we are talking about Heaven; and some of us think that having a House Fellowship in our Houses is a joking matter. It is not!

If there is a House Fellowship in your House; there will be Heaven in your House."

... That is what God is saying.

And wherever God is Enthroned, People of the world can come there and have a taste of Heaven.

In Matthew 8:14-17, Jesus came to Peter's House, met his mother-in-law sick of fever. And when Heaven walks in, Hell has to walk out.

Immediately the King of kings came in, fever left!

So all of you who have House Fellowship in your Homes, I decree today or as you are reading now on the Label of DMC; Darkness won't stay in your Home - Amen.

And wherever the King of kings is Enthroned, People of the world can come and have a taste of Heaven.

The News spread, that the King of kings was in Peter’s house - Everybody around; everyone with any form of Sickness or Disease, they came. And they were all healed.

May I decree one more time that all of you who have House Fellowship in your Homes; your Homes would be Miracle Centres - Amen.

You know, there's a Statement in Matthew 11:12 - It says, And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence, and the Violent take it by force.

That would explain to you what happened in Mark 2:1-12 - The People learnt that the King of kings was in a Particular House. And where the King of kings is, Heaven must be there.

And wherever Heaven is, People from the Earth can come and have a Taste of Heaven.

So a man who had been Paralysed from neck downwards was Picked up by his friends. They brought him to where they believed the Throne of God was.

And when they couldn't get in easily, they forced their way in; and they left rejoicing.

In the Name of the One whose Throne is in Heaven, I decree now that after this Convention, when you go back home, everyone who comes for House Fellowship in your House will always go back with Testimonies. - Amen.

Now, this means that if you are a House Fellowship Host; it means you are an Agent of the King of Heaven.

As a matter of fact, the Bible refers to you as an Angel - You can read Revelation 2:1-7.

... Just keep on reading it.

Everyone in Charge of a Church, Hosting the House Fellowship; anyone who is the Man or Woman operating in the House where God is Enthroned, is referred to as an Angel.

That is why you have to be Careful - You must watch it.


You must take care of the following very Important Points in your various House Fellowships:

I am addressing those of you who are already established House Fellowship Leaders and Hosts.

I believe that the little that I have already said will encourage the rest of you who do not have House Fellowship in your Homes; that as soon as you get back home, you will start one.

House Fellowship cannot be too many - There should be at least one (1) House Fellow Centre in every Street.

Those of you who already have House Fellowship Centres in your Homes, you must observe these:

Because your Home now is where the Throne of God is, you are an Angel of God.

1. You must keep your Home Spotlessly Clean:

You are a House Fellowship Leader/Host listening to me now, inclusive those reading now on the Label of DMC; first thing you'll do when you get home is, clean up your home.

"Oh! Daddy, our homes are not dirty."

What I'm saying is, you will clean up the house so much, that God will feel comfortable there.

Deuteronomy 23:14 says, For the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy Camp, to deliver thee, and to give up thine Enemies before thee; therefore shall thy Camp be Holy: that he see no Unclean thing in thee, and turn away from thee.

That means, He is walking in your house - He is there to deliver you, He is there to hand over your Enemies to you.

Therefore, your home must be Holy: so that He doesn't see anything unclean in your house.

When I say clean, I mean Clean.

Several years ago, when my Office was one tiny room at Ebute Metta (DMC NOTES: Ebute Metta is where the RCCG National Headquarters Parish is Located in Lagos Nigeria); the one who was my Secretary then was doing a very good job: in his own opinion - "He kept my office Clean."

But Clean is different from Clean - I didn't want to embarrass the fellow that the 'Clean' then, was not my own type of Clean.

Those of you who have attended the School of Disciples (SOD); you have a rough idea of my own idea of Clean.

So I told my Driver ...

I am talking of several years ago: so you don't know the People I'm talking about.

I told my Driver: 'Please, I'm travelling on a Journey: before I return, I want you to Clean my Office; this and this and this, is what I want you to do.

So he came to my Office with a bucket of very Clean water, towels and whatever you use for Cleaning. He told my Secretary, "Daddy asked me to Clean up his Office.'

My Secretary said, what are you talking about? Does it mean I don't know how to Clean? My Driver said, sorry ooo; I have instructions.

He went into my Office, did what I asked him to do.

By the time he had been in my Office for Thirty (30) Minutes, the bucket of clean water was as black as anything.

He went outside, poured out the water, got fresh one. Came back the second time.

At the end of the second round of Cleaning, the water wasn't as black as before; but it was still dirty.

He Clean the third time; by the time he finished, my Secretary knew the meaning of "Clean."

When you go back, Clean your homes - Clean everywhere:

  • Clean under your bed.

  • Keep the toilets Spotlessly Clean.

  • Clean everything; because God wants to dwell in your house.

  • Clean it as if you are expecting a Visitor.

  • Clean it as if you are expecting the General Overseer to come and spend some time with you.

... Do I hear Amen - Amen.

2. As a House Fellow Leader and Host; Clean up your Language:

Clean up what? Your Language!

Because Heaven is dwelling in your house, your Language must be different.

If you are a House Fellowship Leaders/Host, the People of the world will be coming to your house to have a Taste of Heaven; they will be listening to you as you talk.

Before you begin the Bible Study; after the Bible Study - They will be listening.

And more than that, God will be listening to you.

1 Peter 1:15-16 says, you have to be Holy in all manner of conversation. Because it is written, Be ye Holy; for I am Holy.

Ephesian 5:4 says, God is paying attention, even to your jokes.

There are some jokes that must not be heard: coming from a Leader any day.

"I didn't know being a House Fellowship Leaders can be this serous" - Oh! It is. You know we are talking about Heaven.

When we are talking about Heaven, we are talking about Purity - There must be nothing impure allowed.

3. As a House Fellowship Leader and Host, you can no longer be Careless:

Your Commitment to God must be serious. Because God is watching and dwelling in your home.

Your Love for God must be even hotter than when you give your Life to Jesus Christ - So that God will not take away your Lamp.

Because when you open your home to Him, His Light is in that home, Shinning.

That means, if your Love weakens; if you leave your first Love; He will come and take away your Lamp.

When there is a House Fellowship in a home, the home becomes a Beacon of Light to the People in the Surroundings.

Some years ago, there was a hurricane in America - We heard about it, and we Prayed.

Before it got to my children in Houston, it had been downgraded. But it still left a flood - Heavy Rain brought massive flood in the town.

Years later I was visiting, and I visited the house of one of my sons, and I got this Testimony:

The whole street was flooded. I mean, water came into homes - To at least Window levels. But there was a house where a drop of water didn't enter.

The flood entered house one, house two, house three, house four; it jumped house five, and entered house six, house seven, house eight and so on!

And the only thing that they saw that was different in all the houses was a Poster that says, “The Redeemed Christian Church of God House Fellowship Holds Here.” True Story!

Your home where there is a House Fellowship is a Place where you have Enthroned God.

That House will be a Light to all the houses in the Street; under the Special Protection of the King of kings.

You must take the matter serious;

  • Don't lose your First Love.

  • Don't become Lukewarm; so He won't take your Light away.

I'm going to ask you to Pray tonight:

I want to Congratulate those of you who are Workers and House Fellowship Leaders in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

By the Special Grace of God, you are Special People and you will remain Special - Amen.

But I want you to Pray Tonight - That the Almighty God would not abandon you.

You can Pray for ten (10) Minutes, after which you give your Offering.

And those who are Special Representatives of Parishes or whatever; go to the place where they normally hold their Meetings.

The rest of us, don't forget tomorrow Morning (Day 2); the first thing you pair up, surround the Camp:

Praise the Almighty God, Call on Him to saturate this Place with Anointing - That Heaven would come down heavily

Stand on your feet.

Forget everybody else; it's between you and God now.

Cry to Him and say Father; Please don't abandon me.

Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God.

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.


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Straightway Messages - In Accordance with Bible Principles!: RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024: Day 1 Evening Session - House Fellow Leaders Meet - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024: Day 1 Evening Session - House Fellow Leaders Meet - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Pastor E. A. Adeboye leads RCCG 72nd Annual Convention 2024 Day 1 evening session, focusing on House Fellow Leaders' meeting.
Straightway Messages - In Accordance with Bible Principles!
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