
RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 1 Evening Session - Our Father - Pastor E. A. Adeboye

Pastor E. A. Adeboye opens RCCG 2024 Minister's Conference Day 1 evening session, emphasizing the theme "Our Father."

 Best RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 1 Evening Session - Our Father - Pastor E. A. Adeboye









Alpha, Omega Alpha, Omega You are worthy of my Praises today You are worthy of my Praises today (Alpha and Omega)


Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending; the One who was, the One who is, the One who is to come, the Almighty.

Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You for all You've done for us since last year Convention (2023). And Thank You for what You will do this year (2024).

Please, accept our worship in Jesus' Name.

Thank You for journey Mercies for those who are already here and Thank You for journey Mercies for Those who are still on the way.

Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus' Name.

Like never before, Father Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

In Jesus' Mighty Name we have Prayed - Amen.

Let someone shout Hallelujah - Hallelujah.

Shake one (1) or two (2) People, say to them: Welcome!

God Bless You.

As is our Custom, before we do anything at all, we want to Thank the Almighty God for what He has done for us in the Past.

So we are going to be asking that all the Elders would come forward and surround me.

The rest of us, you can fall on your face at the Altar - We want to Thank God for what He has already done.

... Worship and Thanksgiving Session.

Thank You Almighty Father, in Jesus' Mighty Name we worship - Amen.


You are worthy O LORD You are worthy; You are worthy to be Glorified. You are worthy O LORD You are worthy; You are worthy to be Glorified (Hallelujah).

Angels are Singing You are worthy O LORD You are worthy; You are worthy O LORD.

We are singing Papa, You are worthy O LORD. We are singing Papa, You are worthy O LORD.

You are worthy LORD You are worthy LORD You are worthy LORD You are worthy LORD.


Thank You Father, Thank You Son, Thank You Holy Spirit.

Blessed Trinity, Alpha and Omega, Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Please, accept our worship, in Jesus' Name.

Father, have Mercy on us, have Mercy on our Families, have Mercy on Your Church and have Mercy on Nigeria.

Lord Please, be Merciful to us.

Thank You for everything.

In Jesus' Mighty Name we have Prayed - Amen.

God Bless You - Amen.

... You can go back to your seats.

Rendition of The RCCG Annual Convention 2024 - Theme: HEAVEN HYMN:

Let Someone shout hallelujah - Hallelujah.

You cannot talk about Heaven without talking about Hell.

You can't write with White chalk without a Blackboard.

Some People will make it to Heaven.

Are you one of them?

And some People, no matter what you do, would still go to Hell - That's for sure.

One of the ways of measuring the brightness of Light is the Intensity of Darkness surrounding.

That is why we need to Praise God more.

Jesus is Alive!

I want to encourage you to be ready to learn or at least be as Wise as a cow.

What does that Mean?

There is the Possibility that you may not be able to swallow what I'm about to teach tonight - Don't reject it; just put it on the Shelf, you may need it later.

I met S.G Elton for the first time in early 1950s. And I met him again in 1977 when he was a very old man.

When I discovered, there is lot I can learn from this man; I started visiting him every two weeks before he died - I asked him Questions.

There were things he told me which I couldn't swallow back then; but I stored them.

Today I Thank God that when I reflect on what he told me, he wasn't wrong; it's just that my stomach was too tender to swallow them. As I grew I saw that he was absolutely correct.

Our Bible Text during this Ministers: Conference is Matthew 6: 9-13

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

... As it is in Heaven.

You say, "we know the Lord's Prayer" - I know!

Proverbs 9:9 says, Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet Wiser: teach a Just man, and he will increase in learning.

If you are instructed and you know the thing, go over it again.

After all Psalm 23:1-3 gives you a rough idea of how a cow behaves: gets to the field, sees green grass, eats as much as it can. When taken away, it lies down, brings back the grass and begins to chew it again.

They call it, "chewing the cud."

Listen again - Chew the cud.

Because John 14:26 says, the Holy Spirit will remind you of the things to come.

I appeal to you: Don't stop learning!

There are some of us, we've not learnt a lot, because we look at the Preacher and say, "who is going to teach?" And you switch off.

I've learnt a lot from my children.

I used to think I taught my children all they knew - They know more than me.

I give you some Examples you can relate:

I have given opportunity to my son Leke to Preach. I gave him an example of a Man who dug a well and got water.

He added that if he had dug deeper, he would have reached Gold.

I said, Oh God! I never taught him that!

He said if he had continued digging he would have gotten Oil.

I am the one who told him: there was a Shop Keeper who wrote: "No Credit today, come back tomorrow."

And he turned it to: Say to Sickness, "No Vacancy today" don't come tomorrow."

I kept quiet.

He may not know it, but I'm grateful to him that I have learnt other things.

All I'm saying is, as Learned as you are; you can learn more - And .

In Luke 11:1, the Disciples went to Jesus and said, "Teach us." And He said to them, this is how to Pray; - you begin by saying...


... That's what I want to talk about today.

Many of you are "Too Advanced" - You don't say the Lord's Prayer.

... It is coming from the One who knows everything called Prayer.

"Our Father" - When I Pray, I say "My Father, who art in Heaven..."

... We will talk about "Who art in Heaven" tomorrow Morning (Day 2 Morning Session).

Why did He ask them to say "Our Father?"

Because Father means Source - Our Source.

He is my Source, He is my Origin.

You know in Genesis Chapter one the whole Chapter; everything He Created, He gave them Seed to reproduce.

But in Genesis 2:7, when He wanted to create Man - And the LORD God formed Man of the dust of the Ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life; and Man became a Living Soul.

He put part of Him in the mud, and the mud became a Living Soul.

Which is why Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 tells you, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy Youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no Pleasure in them; Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was: and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (Our Source)

The father is the Source of the child - That is why a child is named after the father, and not the mother.

The same thing happened when Jesus was to be conceived - Luke 1:35 says, And the Angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

When you become Born Again, God becomes your "Real Source" Spiritually speaking.

And until you became Born Again, you have no struggles because you had only one father then - The devil. Anything evil you enjoyed it.

John 8:44. When you lied, you enjoyed. Why? Because the father of all Liars is the devil

But the moment you became Born Again, a struggle begins between your old father - Source and the New Source.

Galatians 5:17 tells you that immediately you become a Child of God, the Spirit fights the flesh - A struggle begins: For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

According to Romans 7:21-25, you'll find that you want to do Good, but then something says no, do bad. And you know it's wrong.

Then you struggle to decide who to cooperate with - God or the devil; the Spirit or the flesh.

Galatians 5:16 says, This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

When you are a Child of God, He expects you to behave like Him.

John 10:30 says, I and my Father are one.

John 14:7 says, If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

From time to time you have misbehaved, and Sinners (not even Children of God) would say, "but you call yourself a Child of God.

In other words, we know who we are, we have no Problem behaving the way we do. But you call yourself a Child of God.

In other words, Darkness knows how Light behaves

And when you lie, they will challenge you - "Which side are you - Light or Darkness?"

The Standard of your Daddy is High.

I am sure you know most of the things we are talking about - Let it be like Revision.

This time He says in Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect.

I have told you before - An Apostle, in a Meeting of Apostles said to me "your Standard is very High."

I smiled and said Sir, it is not my Standard, it is the Standard of my Father.

Everything God does, He does it Perfectly.

I gave a Sermon a long time ago - Everything God does is Perfectly done.

If you don't learn anything from this RCCG Ministers' Conference 2024, learn this: "Anything less than Perfect will not be allowed in Heaven."

"God knows I am trying my best" - Deal with it now.

For Example, in Numbers 2319; the Bible says, God is not a Man, that he should lie; neither the Son of Man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

He is saying, if you are my Child, you will not lie any form of lie.

That is why He said in Revelation 22:15 that Liars will be outside; they won't be allowed in.

Don't believe those who say once you are Born Again, you can continue to live the way you like - Those are lies. Once you lie, you are out.

Then He says, "I am not the son of man that I should lie" - I will not be Hypocritical.

I won't tell you this is white when it is black.

Why? He wants you to know that if you are Hypocrital l, you will not be allowed into His Presence.

Job 13:16 says, He also shall be my Salvation: for an Hypocrite shall not come before him.

Hypocrites will not be allowed to stand before Him.

This may sound a little tough to you now; but when you come face to face with Death, you will remember all these things.

One of the Engineers that was working on this Particular Auditorium did a poor job nailing the slates now on top. He cleverly was making money - Thank God the Problem was discovered before a Major Storm. He made money quiet well, but became very sick.

On his sick bed at LUTH he repented -:God said, restitute before I heal you.

He phoned me from Death bed, "Daddy, I did this and did that.." and asked that I Pray for him.

And I checked from God, should I Pray for him?

These are little things you need to know; because when you come face to face with Death, some of them could help you.

When we started work here one of the carpenters was making a lot money; I didn't know what wood was soft or Iroko. And that they vary in cost because of their Strength - And we used a lot of wood.

So he made a lot of money Cleverly.

Something happened in a Town: Many People were waiting at a Bus station, a Bus lost control and ran into the crowd picked on fellow, carried the fellow away.

She happened to be the wife of the Carpenter.

The day he spent the last Kobo that he had saved, was the day his wife was discharged from the Hospital.

Your Father is Holy - Perfectly Holy; He has no room for Half will.

"Our Father which art in Heaven..." He sees and knows everything.

Revelation 3:15-16 says, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Make up your Mind - Do I want to belong to devil or God?

The devil is paying attention, Particularly because the end is near.

You say, "we've been hearing all of these" - I know!

At least you know there are 2 ways to go to Heaven - One is by Death, the other is by Rapture.

You can't tell which Song you will sing last; which Sermon you will Preached last.

And you can't tell which Song you will listen to last one which Sermon you will hear last.

It has happened here in Camp: One of my sons, a True Child of God came to the Holy Ghost Service. We finished, he went to his car sat down and fell asleep. By the time they arrived home the wife said, Daddy we are home.

... But Daddy had already gone Home!

You can never tell which of the Ministers' Conference you will attend last.

I'm reminding you - This is not an Ordinary Ministers' Conference - This is the Ministers' Conference of the Convention HEAVEN.

One of my sons was watching me on Dove Media, the wife was there, they were saying Amen. But when the wife noticed that he was no more saying Amen, she thought he was Sleeping - But he was gone!

You can't even tell the last Program you will attend.

Your Father is a Covenant keeping God.

Deuteronomy 7:9 says, Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the Faithful God, which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that Love Him and keep His Commandments to a thousand Generations

He keeps Covenant - That's why He says you too must be a Covenant keeping Child.

In Psalm 15:1-4; He says, you want to come in my Presence? When you make a Promise and discover you have made a mistake; you have to Restitute.

... That's His Standard.

Holiness is the Nature of your Father - Pure, Complete, Perfect Holiness.

Isaiah 6:1-3 says the Angels cry Holy, Holy, Holy.

And He expects you to be Holy.

1 Peter 1:15-16 says, But as he which hath called you is Holy, so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation; Because it is written, Be ye Holy; for I am Holy.

Holiness a far as God is concerned is Total Obedience to God!

Stand up - Yes LORD.

Sit down - Yes LORD.

Eat - Yes LORD.

Fast - Yes LORD.

Pray - Yes LORD.

I have been to Places this year that I never Planned to go. But the Lord said, "Go" - Yes LORD; convenient or not convenient.

Let me round up tonight - We need to ask ourselves individually, between you and God:

  • Am I actually a Child of God?

You say Daddy, what are you saying?

We are Ministers, we have answered the Altar Call, attended Believers Classes, we have been Baptised, attended Workers in Training Classes, we've been Ordained? Oh yes, I know!

2 Timothy 2:19 says: Nevertheless the Foundation of God s/Standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

  • Am I His child?

  • Does He knows me as His child?

David Prayed a Prayer in Psalm 139:23-24 - He said, Almighty God, Please don't be angry that I am giving You an Assignment: Search me, O God, and know my Heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way Everlasting.

You see, anytime I read Judges 16 - That Story about Samson; what troubles me is that by the time Samson discovered that God had left him; it was critical. When he needed help seriously. He has been getting away with his Acts;

Read Judges 16:1-3, he spent the Night with an harlot; uprooted the gate of the City. But a time came, he thought "I would go as of other times" but God had left him.

It would be a Great tragedy if you heal, Perform Miracles: But at the most crucial time ever, you suddenly discovered that God has left you.

It would have been okay if Death is a function of Age - Some die at 80, some die at 30.

Death is not a function of Age.

A son of mine - One of my Students at the University of Lagos; I used to teach them Holiness.

I didn't know he was travelling to his hometown.

As they were going around Okitipupa, Armed Robbers attacked them, and one of them drew a sword at him.

My son said, in that split second when I saw the sword coming towards my throat, there was no time to decide but I remembered every Sermons that you have Preached - It's as if time just stood still.

He said, in less than a second he Prayed "God, spare me this time and I will never offend you again."

Miraculously, the hand holding the sword did not come down because God chose to spare his Life so he could Testify to others.

We will gather tomorrow Day 2 Morning Session at 7.00am:

Spend one hour Worshipping God - Don't ask for anything as you just Worship Him.

But tonight I want you to talk to your Father in Heaven:

1. Thank Him that you are still alive.

2. Like David, asked Him: To search you Oh Lord and Examine me

And that before tomorrow Morning, He should reveal to you all you need to Restitute.

That Lord, I can't stop You from coming but if You can just delay Your Coming Lord in order to Search and Examine me.

And that the Lord will give you the Grace to do so!

Go ahead to Pray and drop your Offering as you are going.

I will see you tomorrow's Morning if the Lord has not come!!!

God Bless You - Amen.


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Straightway Messages - In Accordance with Bible Principles!: RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 1 Evening Session - Our Father - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
RCCG 2024 Ministers Conference - Day 1 Evening Session - Our Father - Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Pastor E. A. Adeboye opens RCCG 2024 Minister's Conference Day 1 evening session, emphasizing the theme "Our Father."
Straightway Messages - In Accordance with Bible Principles!
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